In case you are as helpless as I am, confronting this cryptoanalytic challenge, but not willing to bother about it, just view this post as some random first test post and then find serenity.
In case you are as helpless as I am, confronting this cryptoanalytic challenge, but not willing to bother about it, just view this post as some random first test post and then find serenity.
Your Siblings is a charitable nonprofit organization that supports a variety of humanitarian projects, especially in the Third World. Please donate like mad!
It took me a while to find my blog legs. I hope you will continue posting. Kindly explain the title of your blog, telofy.
With pleasure: In Stanley Kubrick’s magnificent movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” huge black (fuligin?) monoliths play a major role. Not only are they perfectly mysterious, they also seem to have played a pivotal role in the evolution of humankind—and perhaps they did again in the movie. The dimensions of those monoliths are 1 by 4 by 9, the squares of the first three integers (assuming 0 is none). I like the simplicity and elegance of the idea, that may be why I have chosen the title back in the day.
By the way: http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/monolith-action-figure.shtml
Until the next blog post comes out, I’m afraid, it’ll be some time. I’m working on the concept for a new story whenever I have several consecutive free minutes (and subconsciously, no doubt, even more often) but right now it feels like something considerably longer than Late Bill and even that one has taken me months to complete (mainly weekends). While we’re on it, I don’t know of anyone of my (few) readers who has deciphered this little concealed layer of meaning I’ve woven into it. Will you? (They have probably found interpretations I could learn a lot from, though.)
I wonder if this is some German worried about the invading power of the Anglophone currencies?
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